Have you ever been told by a family member that you look just like a far-off aunt or uncle? Maybe you have been told that you have your grandfather’s eyes or your great-grandmother’s smile. There are many traits you carry that you may have inherited from your ancestors.
But, with so many variable traits, there are many traits you can carry that you may not realize you inherited from your ancestors. If you are hoping to build a connection with your ancestors, visual appearance is a great way to start. We have created a list of 8 traits you may have inherited to help you start this genealogical journey.
1. Dimples
Take a moment to look in the mirror and smile. Do you notice small indentations at the center of both cheeks? If so, this is a trait you might have inherited from your ancestors. Dimples are considered a dominant trait, meaning that if your ancestors had them, you likely will as well. They are caused by a gene that creates an anomaly in the muscles that contract when you smile, creating a dimpling effect on your cheek.
2. Color Blindness
A trait you might have inherited from your ancestors that you might not realize is passed from generation to generation is color blindness, specifically green-red color blindness. Green-red color blindness specifically is seen most often in women, though it may also occur in men due to the presence of their X-chromosome. If you have one color-blind parent and your other parent carries the color-blind gene, there is a 50% chance of developing the traits and a 100% chance of being a carrier of the color-blind gene.
3. Curly Hair
The shape of your hair follicle influences the texture of your hair and is a trait you might have inherited. While hair texture is difficult to predict and often changes throughout a person’s life, curly hair is often a trait you inherited from your ancestors. Curly hair is especially popular among individuals of African descent. If your parents and grandparents had curly hair, you and your children also have the chance of growing curly hair as well.
4. Hairlines
Much like the presence of curly hair, your hairline is also something you might have inherited from your ancestors. If you have a widow’s peak or are experiencing hair loss and hairline recession at an early age, your ancestors have likely dealt with similar problems. Though there is a chance these genes may skip a generation, it is possible that your hair is similar to your parents, grandparents, and so on.
5. Facial Expressions
We inherit many of our facial features from our parents. However, one trait you might have inherited from your ancestors that you might not realize is inheritable is your facial expressions. The American Psychological Association found that blind individuals often repeated facial expressions their family members used without any knowledge of these expressions. This means you could make facial expressions similar to family members you’ve never met, like your great-grandparents.
6. Noses
While you may already know that your nose is inherited from your ancestors, you may not realize how far back this goes. Some studies have found that your nose shape could have been influenced by ancestors as far back as Neanderthals and has continued to evolve due to our ancestor’s local weather. This evolution of shape and size means that, through history, your ancestors have had a very significant impact on the way your nose looks today.
7. Freckles
While the development of freckles can be influenced by sun exposure, there is also a possibility this is a trait you might have inherited from your ancestors. Your genetics can impact your body’s ability to produce melanin, which is responsible for the development of freckles. Because freckles are a dominant trait, you likely developed this trait from your parents, and you will likely also see freckling in your children.
8. Hitchhiker’s Thumb
Can you bend your thumb joint backward more than 50 degrees without any pain? This thumb flexibility is a trait you most likely inherited from your ancestors, and you have probably noticed it in one or both of your parents. A 2012 study found hitchhiker’s thumb in 32% of the 310 participants. This means you may continue passing this inherited trait down for generations to come.
Learning About Traits You Inherited From Your Ancestors With Heritage Consulting
If you want to learn about the traits you may have inherited from your ancestors, consider seeking the help of a genealogist to find them. A professional genealogist may be able to find photos of ancestors for you, creating a better connection between you and your far-off relatives. If you aren’t sure where to start finding ancestral information, a genealogist can make this even easier for you.
Our team of experienced genealogists at Heritage Consulting is confident we can help you find your ancestors and begin your genealogy journey. If you are interested in learning more about your family’s history, contact us today.