How to Hire a Professional Genealogist
Family history and genealogy research are enormously popular nowadays. The big yellow phone book has been replaced by computer searches through,, Bing, and so forth. A search term typed into one of these search engines, phrased such as the title to this blog post, will bring up many options. There are individuals and research companies large and small who offer their services in numerous areas of specialization. How can a wise consumer distinguish between the quality, reputable firms, and the hobbyists or flash-in-the-pan upstarts? We will address these questions in the following lines.
Genealogy Research Specialists
What is meant by specialization, in terms of professional genealogy research? An accredited genealogist or certified genealogist has obtained credentials in a particular geographical area of research. The genealogical records are different from one state, region or country to another. Heritage Consulting Genealogy Research Services has research specialists with accreditation and skills in many areas, such as Midwest, Southern States, Mid-Atlantic States, New England States, and general U. S. research. We also cover foreign regions, including British Isles, Italy, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, and Latin America.
Experienced Professional Genealogists
Our researchers are seasoned professionals, with many years of experience. This is how they make their living. This is their career of choice. We retain only the best! We research at the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, which is the largest repository of genealogical records in the world, by far. We have a regular staff of about twelve researchers in Salt Lake City, and we can tap professional researchers in the field any time the need arises. Some of our researchers travel to foreign countries and do on-site research for our clients.
Professional Genealogy Research Cost
Price is an important factor to the wise consumer. Our hourly rate is $80, and we recommend a 10 hour minimum, but we don’t require it. Our largest competitor charges about twice that hourly rate, and requires a 20 hour minimum. Their researchers are no better than ours. In fact, we use some of the same independent contractors, only we pay them better. We are not about big corporate profits and profit margin, we are about quality research with a personal touch. We do not advertise on TV or radio, or sponsor TV shows to garner more clients. When you call our toll free number, 877-537-2000, your call will be answered by a professional genealogist, not a sales person. When you decide on the number of hours you want us to research, your payment determines that we will stay within that number of hours and not exceed it. Our turnaround time for completion is usually about 3 to 6 weeks.
Beware of new, upstart companies that claim to have over 1,000 professional genealogists all over the world, etc. One in particular has a tarnished reputation as far as quality and dependability are concerned, although they rank high in the Google listings. Some of our researchers worked briefly for such a firm, and they were not pleased with their business tactics.
Working with a Professional Genealogist
When you hire a professional genealogist, they should listen to your specific research goals and work with you to attain the best outcome. That’s exactly what we do. Whatever your reasons for hiring a professional genealogist, whether to learn your country of origin, determine Native American heritage, identify a Revolutionary War Patriot, and so forth, Heritage Consulting Genealogy Research Services is backed by nearly 40 years of experience and reputation to meet your goals.

Contact Heritage Consulting
Call us at 877-537-2000, and visit our website, We can send you our ‘Terms of Service’ agreement, so that you will learn about our obligation to you, once research is contracted. We look forward to working with you!