There are many benefits that you can obtain through genealogy research. When you embark on a genealogy project, you will be able to gain a closer connection with your ancestors, as well as a better sense of yourself. These projects can also help to protect your health. Have you ever had a doctor ask you if certain issues run in your family? This is because a sense of your medical history can help you to identify potential problems with your health. Here are a few of the ways in which genealogy can protect your health.
Aid in Compiling a Medical History
When you have more information of your ancestry, you will be better equipped to compile a thorough medical history. This will help you to identify potential problems that you may face at some point during your life. The right medical history can provide a significant amount of protection because it will show you what to watch out for considering the state of your health.
Find Hidden Medical Risks in Genome
DNA tests can help you to find potential medical risks that can impact your health in the future. When you take a DNA test to aid in your genealogy project, you will have access to information that can be invaluable for your health. As various improvements are made to technology, this information will become even more valuable. Many common genomes have been linked to an increased risk of various illnesses. When you are aware of these hidden medical risks, you will be able to watch out for them and protect your health. For many illnesses, fast diagnosis is critical in increasing the success of treatment. When you know to look out for these risks, you will be able to detect them much more quickly.
Creates Awareness
Genealogy helps to create awareness of problems that you may face. When you note a clear genetic link, such as multiple family members that suffered from heart problems, you will be aware that the same problem can impact your own health. Awareness is an incredibly important part of staying healthy because it will help you to watch out for the circumstances in which these problems can arise.
Take Preventative Measures
Prevention is often the best approach to take when it comes to your health. When you are aware of possible problems in your genetic tree, you will be able to put preventative steps in place to help protect your health. These preventative measures may include things such as focusing on weight loss or eating a heart-healthy diet. This information will also allow you to consult with your physician regarding the preventative measures that you should invest in.
A Complete Medical Record
In order to provide the best protection for your health, you will want to have a thorough, complete medical record. In most cases, this includes 3 generations of the medical history of close relatives. Parents, siblings, grandparents, uncles, aunts, and cousins are all important people to consider when you are compiling your medical record. You should be especially cautious if you note the same problem in multiple family members, especially if the health issue has been shown to have a genetic component.
Examines Multiple Factors
The genes aren’t the only thing that family members tend to have in common and they are also not the only factor that can impact your health. Due to this, a complete genealogy project, rather than a DNA test is key to provide ultimate protection for your health. When you look at your environment, genes, and lifestyle, you may be able to detect other causes for possible illnesses. This will also enable you to take additional steps to protect your health.
Our team at Heritage Consulting can help you to compile a thorough ancestral history. This will help you to know what to look out for in order to protect your health. Your genealogy project can also provide you with useful information to pass along to your healthcare provider. This will enable them to take the appropriate steps to minimize problems and improve your preventative measures. For more information about how genealogy can protect your health or how to get started on your project, contact us today!