6 Dec 1793
“Saturday evening, at Beaumaris, William Lewis, Esq. of Llandisman.
in the act of drinking a cup of Welch ale. He made it a rule every
morning of his life to read so many chapters in the Bible, and in
the evening, as a digestion of his morning study, to drink full
eight gallons of ale. It is calculated that in his life-time he must
have drank a sufficient quantity to float a 74 gun ship. His size
was astonishing; it is supposed the diameter of his body was no less
than two yards. He weighed 40 stone.”
“London Times” 6 December 1793 (FHL film number 0166216)
A few thoughts:
How spiritually inclined was William Lewis if he required eight gallons of ale every evening to wash down his Bible reading from the morning previous. EIGHT GALLONS!?!? that is incomprehensible.
The HMS Defiance was a 74 gun ship. Its specs are listed below:
As for William Lewis’ size: He was “no less than two yards” in diameter. (at least 64 inch waist). His weight was “40 stone” (560 pounds)
I find a William Lewis, Esq. of “Llanddsnan” who was a sheriff in 1743 under George II in Anglesey County.